Sebagai dagangan utama Amerika, US Dollar menjadi komoditi yang mesti dijaga nilainya dari waktu ke waktu. Salah satu tugas presiden AS adalah menjaga agar US$ tetap menjadi mata uang utama dunia (world reserve currency). Bersama gubernur the Fed Ben Bernanke dan Timmy Geithner Menkeu AS mereka bahu membahu menjaga agar Dollar tetap bernilai.Namun yang terjadi justru sebaliknya, tahun lalu harga emas naik hingga 50% dalam US Dollar, akibatnya daya beli Dollar semakin turun. Bahkan seorang Jim Rogers investor kawakan memberi comment menarik terhadap Geithner dan Obama sbb :
"Mr Geithner is a smart person from what I understand but he has been wrong about everything for the last 15 years. Why are we listening to him? Why are we listening to any of those guys? They are making our situation worse. They said in writing yesterday that the solution is to spend more money, that’s what got us into the problem, too much debt too much consumption and now we are going to solve it with more debt and more consumption? That’s like telling Tiger Woods, you got another girlfriend then you solve your problem".
"(Obama) is making the situation worse for us. We are all going to pay the price for this in one-two or three years. The next time we have problems in the economy, which will not be too long, we don’t have any bullets left, we have shot everything we have. What are they going to do? Quadruple the debt, print more money. We don’t have any trees left. "
Artinya semakin lama kebijakan mereka makin lama bukan makin baik, tapi malah makin ngawur....Menyisakan timbunan krisis yang makin lama makin berat yang mesti rakyat AS pikul. Salah satunya adalah tingkat pengangguran di AS yang harus kehilangan 20.000 lapangan kerja di sektor ekonomi dan 75.000 di sektor konstruksi dan 14,8 juta rakyat AS menganggur
"Mr Geithner is a smart person from what I understand but he has been wrong about everything for the last 15 years. Why are we listening to him? Why are we listening to any of those guys? They are making our situation worse. They said in writing yesterday that the solution is to spend more money, that’s what got us into the problem, too much debt too much consumption and now we are going to solve it with more debt and more consumption? That’s like telling Tiger Woods, you got another girlfriend then you solve your problem".
"(Obama) is making the situation worse for us. We are all going to pay the price for this in one-two or three years. The next time we have problems in the economy, which will not be too long, we don’t have any bullets left, we have shot everything we have. What are they going to do? Quadruple the debt, print more money. We don’t have any trees left. "
Artinya semakin lama kebijakan mereka makin lama bukan makin baik, tapi malah makin ngawur....Menyisakan timbunan krisis yang makin lama makin berat yang mesti rakyat AS pikul. Salah satunya adalah tingkat pengangguran di AS yang harus kehilangan 20.000 lapangan kerja di sektor ekonomi dan 75.000 di sektor konstruksi dan 14,8 juta rakyat AS menganggur
Belum lagi dengan inflasi yang akan terus menggayuti AS dan seluruh dunia seperti yang dinyatakan oleh Feldstein Profesor Ekonomi dari Harvard bahwa " dalam beberapa tahun ke depan inflasi akan menjadi masalah yang membesar dibanding deflasi atau meluasnya penurunan daya beli masyarakat." Bagaimana agar inflasi tidak meluas? Maka perlu kebijakan moneter berbasis emas yang akan menjaga kestabilan harga seperti yang mencuat selama krisis mortgage AS tahun lalu.
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